What a week! The latest Trawl is pretty juicy. Therese (lots of accents) Coffey has out Marie Antoinette’d Marie Antoinette herself. Instead of cake, our Secretary of State for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs, hath proclaimed we can eat…..turnips. Egg and turnip sandwich anyone? In PMQ’s Coffey is stuck for words, but Jemma and Marina aren’t. They’ve got tonnes to say, as per…..
Meanwhile, Sunak is celebrating! He’s absolutely buzzing because he might have pulled off fixing the botch job he once voted for. Perfectly normal country. Trouble is he’s so pleased, he’s reminded everyone that having access to the single market as well as the UK is optimal. Yeah, cheers for that.
Oh, and look out, the Oakeshott and Hancock files are coming soon too. Marina and Jemma are never stuck for content, that’s for sure!
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